Advanced care for premature neonates

We provide a full array of specialized equipment and delivery room coverage along with all required support services around the clock. We are prepared to serve the needs of our rapidly growing population and demand for local NICU practitioners who will provide expertise and support to you and your infant.Babies who are very small are nursed in incubators rather than cots to keep them warm. You can still have a lot of contact with your baby. Some incubators have open tops, but if your baby’s incubator doesn’t, you can put your hands through the holes in the side of the incubator to stroke and touch them.NICUs are designed and equipped to support premature babies and full-term newborns with other types of conditions. There are also several different grades of NICU. Most hospitals will have a Level I NICU, which are for the less serious cases. Levels II and III are for babies requiring more support at birth. Not every hospital and community has a Level II or III NICU, so transport will be arranged.  Usually the baby is transported in an ambulance

The unit provides both invasive and non-invasive monitoring of the newborn’s cardiorespiratory system, oxygen, suction and age-appropriate thermoregulation. In addition, each neonate’s heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation are monitored continuously.