Ante-natal (Pregnancy) exercises

Exercise during pregnancy has benefits not just for expectant mothers but also for their growing babies .Antenatal exercise can relieve back pain, get women ready for labor by improving muscle strength and flexibility, and improve energy levels. Pregnant women are able to exercise throughout their pregnancy so long as they talk to their doctors about what activities are appropriate and take the proper precautions. Stay active. Regular daily exercise for at least 30 minutes can benefit your health during pregnancy in the following ways:

Helps reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling
May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
Increases your energy
Improves your mood
Improves your posture
Promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance
Helps you sleep better
Regular activity keeps you fit during pregnancy, may improve your ability to cope with labor and will make it easier to get back into shape post-pregnancy.