Painless Delivery

The technique of painless delivery called as Epidural Analgesia or Epidural Anaesthesia is a popular technique used by women, if advised by the doctor, during labor. It gives relief from unbearable labor pain during deliveries. Such deliveries have registered 6-7% rise in the past two-three years. The anaesthesiologist and your OB-GYN will monitor the blood pressure, check that the epidural is working well and your baby’s heart rate will be checked intermittently or continuously. Like all other treatments epidural delivery also has pros and cons. Epidurals help a woman cope better with post-par tum depression or exhaustion better. An epidural helps if your baby is not facing your backbone, and is not moving from the position in which it faces the belly button. The epidural injection will relax your vaginal muscles and provide space for the baby to descend. A painless delivery by way of an epidural means there is a dip in the blood pressure of the mother. This is a benefit, because in natural labor, the mother has high BP and there are risks of the pressure reaching dangerously high levels and ending in a stroke. An epidural makes it easy if the doctor has to carry out a forceps delivery or when an emergency C-section is needed. Studies show that epidurals prevent damage that would otherwise occur to the pelvic muscles during a normal delivery.