Pulmonary TB

Once a diagnosis of TB is made, the clinician responsible for care should refer the patient with TB to a physician with training in, and experience of, the specialised care of people with TB, as per the British Thoracic Society Guidelines (2011). 6.2 The only people in the hospital who should prescribe anti-tuberculous treatment are respiratory physicians; therefore anyone with a diagnosis of TB must be referred for treatment and follow up. There is always a respiratory physician on call for advice or clinical review; close liaison with a TB nurse specialist is essential. This is to ensure appropriate dosing and regimens, while minimising the risk of serious drug reactions and ensuring appropriate follow up with those with TB and NTM infection.

Known or suspected cases of sputum smear positive TB must be admitted to a single room with en-suite facilities as soon as possible. Ideally patients with AAFB positive sputum should be nursed in negative pressure isolation rooms, such as those on Torridge ward. However, the availability of negative pressure single rooms is limited and therefore patients are likely to be nursed in side rooms on any ward (excluding Yeo and Yarty), under the care of a respiratory physician. Doors must be kept closed with appropriate isolation signage in place.